Who We Are
Hi. I’m Jeff Paine, president of Nahren Family, LLC. I was recently hiking in a valley surrounded by clear, blue sky, and I wanted to reach an acclaimed mountain lookout. Reaching the elevated lookout required me to push my slow body through altitude fatigue and trail rockiness. At various points along the way, I really wanted to stop and let family members go on ahead. Fortunately, my patient companion slowed down to my pace and encouraged me. To my great joy, we came to a lookout showing a grand vista of beautifully-created earth. The clear sky was even brighter than in the valley and rewarded us with breathtaking 100-mile views.
Experiences like these encourage and teach us that when we reach higher than where we are, we can achieve greater happiness. During my hiking experience, I learned three valuable lessons that inspire the Nahren Family mission:
- We can achieve more than we think. We often limit ourselves. When we make a concerted effort to push further, we experience rewards.
- We can help and encourage others when the going gets tough. As we help others to achieve their own goals, we experience with them the joy of fulfillment. We learn valuable lessons and increase our own abilities in the process.
- We experience synergy with others. Allowing others to share our journey is powerful. The prospect of sharing our victories with others motivates us to go farther and reach higher than we would on our own.